Angela Hey's Resume
Objective - to help organizations and individuals with innovative technologies become operationally more effective by pioneering new markets, acquiring reference customers, creating great products and offering reliable services.
Techviser - Founder of Consulting Company
Writes Hey Tech technology column for a town newspaper the Mountain View Voice. Acting as VP Marketing at Wireless Online helped the company launch smart antenna base stations and start their marketing department. Created forecasts for investors and startups in mobile and VoIP communications.
INPUT - Enterprise Software Program Manager and Analyst - Market Research Company
Wrote and produced four market research reports a year with newsletter and briefings on enterprise software. Hired writers and developed questionnaires for researchers. Developed market forecasts, attracted new clients and built forecasting database.
General Magic - Manager Strategic Partners - Handheld Device and Communications Software Developer
Managed commercial relationship with AT&T by holding project planning meetings, publishing a newsletter, tracking open issues and meeting with other strategic partners. Created presentations and worked on contracts and proposals.
Other Employers
AT&T - Set up a UNIX software venture and developed plans for software marketing.
Bell Laboratories - Strategic planner and member of technical staff, advising company on how to launch research projects into the commercial world.
Rutgers University - Adjunct Professor in Product Innovation
IBM - Internship in software marketing, one of two UK women selected for International Women's Year
Other Activities
Created websites for non-profit organizations and individuals. Led 22-club Toastmaster public speaking group. Led two college alumni groups. Organized a technology conference.
PhD Management Science and MSc Corporate Finance (MBA equivalent) - Imperial College
MMath Combinatorics and Optimization - University of Waterloo
MA Mathematics - University of Cambridge
Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society