2011 Articles*
- Nov - Not all startups wind up like Google - Y Combinator, Mixpanel, KISSmetrics, Google Analytics, Eventbrite, Aisle50, Groupon, Cardpool, Justin.tv
- Oct - Businesses look to crowdsourcing - Crowdsortium.org, Elance, CrowdFlower, Google Ventures, MerchantCircle, Trada
- May - Local companies come out winners at TiEcon - TiEcon, Bump, Claritics, Sococo
- April - Best way for newbies to build a website - Google Sites, Adobe's Kuler - to choose colors, WordPress, Weebly
- February - Teams race to design new apps at Health 2.0 - Code-a-thon at Google - Applied Research Works (ZipHealth), Google (Health), Health 2.0, Microsoft (Health Vault), Nintendo
*Note: My column only appears when the Mountain View Voice publishes its Business Section, which doesn't happen every month. For the last quarter of 2011, the editorial schedule changed so now the articles should start appearing monthly again.
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